Sometimes dental emergencies happen. Unfortunately, these times can be stressful, overwhelming, and even scary. However, you can help improve the situation and make it a tad bit easier by stocking your first-aid kit now with dental supplies. To help you do so, our dentists, Dr. John Poulos and Dr. Jaime Poulos, have some tips for you.
First, stock your first-aid kit with floss. Floss can help you remove stubborn obstacles from your smile. This is very convenient because stuck food particles or foreign objects can cause severe pain and discomfort. With the help of the floss, you can remove it out of place.
Second, stock your kit with Save-a-Tooth® System. This handy product can help you if you knock a tooth out of place. This is because it’s important to keep the tooth alive. If you cannot put the tooth back into place, you will need to put the tooth into the Save-a-Tooth System to keep it alive until you visit your dentist.
Third, stock your kit with sterile gauze and pain medication. Sterile gauze can help you stop any bleeding you might have during an oral injury. The medication can help you dull any discomfort you feel so you can stay calmer and relaxed during the emergency.
If you have any questions or if you would like to know more about what you can put in your first-aid kit in Northport, New York, please contact Northport Prosthodontics at 631-262-0644 when you can. Our dental team is here to assist you, and we look forward to hearing from you!