To ensure your smile has the greatest chance for oral health success, always visit your dentist for routine checkups and oral examinations. Furthermore, if you have ever suffered any oral accidents or injuries, it is important to make sure they are treated immediately. Should any teeth need to be extracted, a tooth restoration will eventually be needed to replace it. For a permanent tooth prosthetic that is highly effective, consider dental bridges.
In order to protect your smile, it is a good idea to always look for effective tooth replacement treatments such as dental bridges. Dental bridges are highly effective tooth prosthetics as they are extremely durable and can last up to a lifetime of heavy wear. Dental bridges do not require a strong jaw and can be placed simply by attaching them to nearby or neighboring teeth.
Dental bridges are held in place to improve your smile and complete your oral health needs. With dental bridges in place, you will receive an enhancement in aesthetics and can even potentially benefit from the restoration of hindrances that may have been caused due to missing or lost teeth. This includes upgrades in your ability to eat food as well as speak properly.
If missing teeth are not replaced with dental bridges, numerous oral health ailments can occur. Not only will your jawbone begin to weaken and destabilize your gums, but tooth slippage can occur, and your other healthy teeth will rotate out of position. In addition, plaque buildup can begin to take hold in the gaps left behind, and the spaces can become a haven for harmful debris that can lead to dental erosion and tooth decay.
Do you wish to see a dentist in Northport, New York for dental bridge replacements? If so, our team at Northport Prosthodontics can help. Dr. John Poulos and our team can give you a complete oral examination to determine which dental bridge replacements are best for you and your oral health desires. To book a trip to our dentist office, call us at 631-262-0644 to schedule an appointment.