If you’re struggling with any issues related to lost or missing teeth, consider the use of a dental bridge. Dental bridges are designed to dramatically improve the look of your smile and correct any issues and hindrances that may have been present with lost or missing teeth. Oftentimes with missing teeth, an individual may suffer from a sunken in dental profile. Furthermore, your jaw can weaken, and you can have issues with your bite stability. A dental bridge can help reverse these effects and provide your smile the visual appearance you desire.
Dental bridges, also commonly referred to as fixed partial dentures, are cosmetic restorations designed to replace your missing teeth by placing a metal or porcelain prosthetic into your mouth that is anchored onto adjacent healthy teeth. With a dental bridge in place, you will have no food restrictions and have a stronger smile for the future. Dental bridges placed by our prosthodontists can help redistribute bite force distribution across your mouth correctly and can help you speak, chew and eat properly. Your oral health can often be improved as well, as dental bridges can help minimize the buildup of plaque and debris that would have occurred in the voids left behind.
If you are interested in a dental bridge from Northport Prosthodontics at our office in Northport, New York, call us at 631-262-0644. Dr. John Poulos and our team look forward to correcting and filling out your smile.