If you're struggling with any issues related to lost or missing teeth, consider the use of a dental bridge. Dental bridges are designed to dramatically improve the look of your smile and correct any issues and hindrances that may have been present with lost or missing teeth. Oftentimes with missing teeth, an individual may suffer from a sunken in dental... read more »
Do you have braces? Do you feel like you are constantly running from one activity in your life to another? We know that life can get incredibly busy and hectic, yet the little mishaps that occur do not seem to wait or slow down for us. In that spirit, we would like to explain what you can do if something... read more »
There is a field of study within oral medicine that looks at the structure and function of diseases of the oral cavity. It is called Stomatology. While it is not yet recognized as a dental specialty as yet, it is poised to become an important science to understand the connection between overall body health and oral health. There are serious... read more »
Do you know what is causing your chronic bad breath? Do you know that you can reverse your bad breath with professional dental care? When it comes to your bad breath, there could be many reasons behind it. To help you understands why your bad breath lingers, our dentists, Dr. John Poulos and Dr. Jaime Poulos with Northport Prosthodontics in... read more »
A very popular option in cosmetic dentistry today, dental veneers are tooth-shaped shells made from porcelain that cover the front teeth to improve the quality and appearance of your teeth. Below we offer the benefits and limitations of dental veneers to ensure you have the information you need to help you achieve your dream smile. Benefits of Dental Veneers -... read more »
Are you aware of the different types of teeth whitening treatment options and the benefits and cons of each? Although there are several products that offer ways to enhance your smile by whitening your teeth, your best options are whitening trays that use gels. However, it is important to be aware of your different options. Here are a few choices... read more »
If you have any lost or missing teeth, it's a good idea to have them replaced with a highly effective tooth restoration and replacement that can easily complete your smile once more. Not only can it make you look younger, but it can also reverse numerous ailments with your smile that may be associated with missing teeth, and also... read more »
You should always visit us if you are in need of a tooth restoration. However, damage prevention is often essential to keep your smile safe, so frequent visits to your prosthodontist for tooth restorations are needed. You can visit us for routine check-ups and professional cleanings, which could be highly effective for targeting areas that you may have missed with... read more »
Daily brushing and flossing are key to a healthy, vibrant smile. Specifically, the American Dental Association advises brushing twice a day and flossing once a day to get rid of plaque and oral debris. If you practice this recommended routine, along with bi-annual dental cleanings, you will be doing everything in your power to preempt gum disease and tooth decay.... read more »
To ensure your smile has the greatest chance for oral health success, always visit your dentist for routine checkups and oral examinations. Furthermore, if you have ever suffered any oral accidents or injuries, it is important to make sure they are treated immediately. Should any teeth need to be extracted, a tooth restoration will eventually be needed to replace it.... read more »