Daily inconsistencies in your oral hygiene routine can allow hardened tartar to build up on your teeth near the gumline. As it continues to occur the constant bacterial presence near your gums can promote gum disease complications.
This is even more likely to happen if you have a bad habit of putting off your routine dental checkup at Dr. John Poulos’s dental office.
The earliest stage of gum disease, which is known as gingivitis, can cause your gums to bleed easily, look inflamed and cause chronic bad breath problems. If you continue to procrastinate treatment with Dr. John Poulos, gingivitis can develop into a more serious periodontal health problem.
As the inflammation worsens your periodontal tissues can gradually start to pull back from the bases of your teeth. This can cause an infection to build up near the roots of your teeth. In time the condition of periodontitis can start to weaken the roots of your teeth. In time it could even cause a loss of bone structure in the underlying tissues.
Treating this level of periodontal infection can require oral surgery like a gingival flap treatment, gingival resection, or a gum graft to remediate the infected materials and prevent tooth loss.
If you are in the Northport, New York, area and you have periodontal disease concerns, you should call 631-262-0644 to schedule an appointment with Dr. John Poulos or one of the oral care specialists at Northport Prosthodontics.